Thursday, 2 December 2010

Audience Research

For audience research I made a questionnaire for my peers and others to fill in. From this I hoped to gain knowledge of what attributes made horror films for other people and based on this I would intergrate them into my trailer.

Are you Male of Female?

Around two thirds of the people I asked were female which means my research will be slightly towards the female gender.

What is your age?
 This question enabled us to see what types of horror a wide range of ages are into. From this chart we can see that the main two audiences are 15 - 18 year olds which is the range for horror.

Do horror movies interest you?

This question is interesting as we can see that not all people are interested in horror. Although a majority are interested there are a select few that do not find horror movies appealing.

How regularly do you go to see a horror movie?

Knowing how often your audience go to see horror movies is really important. We can see here that half of the people we asked go to see horror movies occasionally. This gives us the idea that horror movies are popular but also indicates that you may have to be in the right mood to go and see one.

What is it in a horror trailer that makes you want to watch the film?

This question allows the makers/distributors to see what draws an audience into a horror movie. Although it is not clear we can just see that suspense is the most popular following stars/directors closely. This allows us to incorporate a few select things into a horror trailer. As you can tell by just looking at this graph all of the options for the question have a substantial amount of votes meaning that an audience expect to see all of them in a horror movie.

What is your favourite type of horror movie?

This is the most important question we asked and shows us the types of horror the audience are interested in. We can see by a great majority that psychological was the favourite. Survival was 2nd which shows us that not all of the intended audience are greatly interested in blood and gore. I believe that the thrill from watching psychological horrors is having your mind played with and shocked through many different techniques whether it be ECU's, canted angles or fast paced music. All of these group together to give the audience a sense of excitement.

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